Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Lord Fairfax, Wexford, 15th October, 1649. Artist: Oliver Cromwell

Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Lord Fairfax, Wexford, 15th October, 1649. Artist: Oliver Cromwell


Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Lord Fairfax, Wexford, 15th October, 1649. Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron, congratulating him on the prosperity of his affairs and announcing the capture of Wexford in Ireland. From the first series of Facsimiles of royal, historical, literary and other autographs in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum: Series I - V, (London, 1899).
The Print Collector collection


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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