The Cone of Mount Etna and the "English House" (Destroyed by the Recent Earthquake), 1858. Creator: Unknown.

The Cone of Mount Etna and the "English House" (Destroyed by the Recent Earthquake), 1858. Creator: Unknown.


The Cone of Mount Etna and the "English House" (Destroyed by the Recent Earthquake), 1858. 'After traversing beds of lava for almost an hour, which when we descended by daylight filled us with astonishment that any animal could possibly find its way over, or keep its legs in doing so, we came to a small house or cottage, built by some English officers in 1814 or 1815. It is built nearly at the foot of the Great Cone. Here we dismounted, and for about five minutes we were endeavouring to regain some sense of feeling in our extremities. Our guide had brought sticks, but there was no fireplace or chimney; and in our attempt to extract warmth from the fire, which was lit in the centre of the room we were nearly suffocated. We now prepared for the final tug - the ascent of the cone. Its height is now about 1000 feet'. From "Illustrated London News", 1858.


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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