AMERICAN COINS AND PAPER MONEY: 1. American 20 Dollar Bill (1775); 2. Maryland Shilling, 1788 (from the British Museum); 3. George the Third American Half-penny (from the British Museum); 4. Barry Standish (Baltimore) Threepenny-piece (from the British Museum); 5. Carolina Halfpenny, 1694 (from the British Museum); 6. Virginia £5 Bill (1773), US, USA, 1870s engraving

AMERICAN COINS AND PAPER MONEY: 1. American 20 Dollar Bill (1775); 2. Maryland Shilling, 1788 (from the British Museum); 3. George the Third American Half-penny (from the British Museum); 4. Barry Standish (Baltimore) Threepenny-piece (from the British Museum); 5. Carolina Halfpenny, 1694 (from the British Museum); 6. Virginia £5 Bill (1773), US, USA, 1870s engraving




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