The culmination of a 'sevusevu' ceremony. A 'bilo' (half coconut shell) containing an infusion of water and powdered kava root (Piper methysticum) is passed between two men during a traditional 'sevusevu' welcoming ceremony. Watched by a seated audience, both men are naked from the waist up and wear ceremonial costume including face paint and skirts made from strips of fabric. Fiji, 1965. Fiji, Pacific Ocean, Oceania.

The culmination of a 'sevusevu' ceremony. A 'bilo' (half coconut shell) containing an infusion of water and powdered kava root (Piper methysticum) is passed between two men during a traditional 'sevusevu' welcoming ceremony. Watched by a seated audience, both men are naked from the waist up and wear ceremonial costume including face paint and skirts made from strips of fabric. Fiji, 1965. Fiji, Pacific Ocean, Oceania.


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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