AFGHANISTAN, Samangan Province, Takht-I-Rusam, "2km south of the centre of Haibak, Buddhist caves know as Takht-I-Rusam (Rustam's throne), part of a stupa-monastery complex caeved from rock dating from the Kushano-Sasanian period 4th-5th century AD. Corridor off which the monks' living quarters are carved in cave 2 The caves are situated below the stupa and are where monks lived"

AFGHANISTAN, Samangan Province, Takht-I-Rusam, "2km south of the centre of Haibak, Buddhist caves know as Takht-I-Rusam (Rustam's throne), part of a stupa-monastery complex caeved from rock dating from the Kushano-Sasanian period 4th-5th century AD. Corridor off which the monks' living quarters are carved in cave 2 The caves are situated below the stupa and are where monks lived"


Jane Sweeney eye ubiquitous / hutchison


Photo12/Eye Ubiquitous

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