Common Frog

Common Frog


Common Frog (Rana temporaria) adult pair, in amplexus beside spawn at breeding pool, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe


Jan 27, 2017

Credit line

Photo12/imageBROKER/Andrew Mason



Model release


Property release


License type

Rights managed

Available size

53,9Mb (1,8Mb) / 17,7in x 11,8in / 5315 x 3544 (300dpi)


2 2 animals Amphibia Amphibian Amphibians Amplexi Amplexus Anura Aves Bird Birds British Common frog Common frogs Erica Ericaceae Europe European common brown frog European common frog Grass frog Heath area Heide Holarctic true frogs Lowland North Europe Northern Europe Rana temporaria See Staffordshire True frog True frogs Two Animals Wildlife adult adult animal adult animals animal animal behavior animal behaviour animal couple animal pair animal pairs animals animals in the wild batrachian batrachians behavior behaviour bird photography bird's egg birds' eggs body of water breeding breeding area breeding ground breeding grounds breeding season breeding site breeding time breedings brown frogs clutch clutches copula copulate copulating copulation countryside couple couples egg egg deposition egg depositions eggs fauna female female animal female animals females frog frog spawn frog spawns habitat heath heath family heath landscape heather heather family heathland heathlands in the water in water lake lakes landscape landscape shot landscapes laying eggs maiting pair male male animal male animals males mate mating mating behavior mating behaviour mating period mating season mating time matings mature matures natural environment natural environments natural habitat nature nest nesting nesting site nesting sites on water out outdoor outdoors outside oviposition pair pair of animals pairing pond pond frogs ponds pool reproduction reproductions rutting season scenery sex sexual intercourse social behavior social behaviour social behaviours spawning two wild animal wild animals wildlife wildlife photography England Land countries country deep spawn spawning water spawning waters spawns water waters Great Britain UK United Kingdom

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