Francesco Hayez: "Giorgio Cornaro sent to Cyprus by the Republic of Venice
Francesco Hayez: "Giorgio Cornaro, sent to Cyprus by the Republic of Venice, informs Queen Caterina Cornaro, one of his relatives, that she is no longer owner of her reign as the Lion standard is waving on the isle fortress"
oil painting, 1842. Detail.
Museo Statale Russo, San Pietroburgo, Lombardy, Russia
Dec 29, 2018
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
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104,2Mb (5,5Mb) / 16,4in x 24,6in / 4928 x 7392 (300dpi)
Aristocrazia Aristocracy Arte Art Caterina Cornaro Dipinto a olio Oil painting Francesco Hayez L'Ottocento The 19th Century Nobiltà Nobility Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Reali Royals Regina Queen Romanticismo Romanticism XIX secolo XIX Century
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