Calderon, "Broken Vows"
"Broken Vows", (1856) by Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898)
oil painting on canvas. The rose bud is the symbol of a new love, the lily represents the grief and ivy is the symbol of loyalty.
Tate, London, , United Kingdom
Apr 30, 2013
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
93,6Mb (7,9Mb) / 16,4in x 22,1in / 4928 x 6636 (300dpi)
Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork Inghilterra England Preraffaelliti PreRaphaelites Pittura Painting Dipinto a olio Oil Painting XIX secolo XIX Century L'Ottocento The 19th Century Philip Hermogenes Calderon Sentimento Sentiment Amore Love Scena amorosa Amorous Scene Innamorato Lover Rosa Rose Flora Botanica Botany Fiore Flower Edera Ivy Bocciolo Bud Fedeltà Loyalty Iris Gente People Donna Woman Figura femminile Female Figure Bellezza femminile Female Beauty
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