Rossetti, “Aurelia (Fazio’s Mistress)”
“Aurelia (Fazio’s Mistress”, (1863-73) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)
oil painting on canvas.The red head of hair is beautiful. The subject is based on a poem by Fazio degli Uberti. The model is Fanny Cornforth.
Tate, London, , United Kingdom
Apr 30, 2013
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
81,7Mb (5,5Mb) / 16,4in x 19,3in / 4928 x 5798 (300dpi)
Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork XIX secolo XIX Century L'Ottocento The 19th Century Inghilterra England Preraffaelliti PreRaphaelites Dante Gabriel Rossetti Pittura Painting Dipinto a olio Oil Painting Letteratura Literature Poesia Poetry Poeta Poet Donna Woman Figura femminile Female Figure Bellezza femminile Female Beauty Capelli Hair Rosso Red Fanny Cornforth Fazio degli Uberti Treccia Braid Sensualità Sensuality
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