![Mantua, Palazzo Ducale](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a00_433.jpg)
Mantua, Palazzo Ducale
Mantua, Palazzo Ducale (Gonzaga's residence); Sala di Troia (Chamber of Troy): Ajax protects Patroclus's corpse during the battle of Troy. Frescoes by Giulio Romano and his assistants (1538 - 1539). Palazzo Ducale, Mantova (MN), Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy
Feb 23, 2004
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
31,4Mb (2,9Mb) / 13,5in x 9,0in / 4064 x 2704 (300dpi)
XVI secolo XVI century Affresco Fresco Aiace Ajax Arte Art Artista Artist Battaglia Battle Giulio Romano Gonzaga Guerra War Il Cinquecento The 16th Century Italia Italy Lombardia Lombardy Manierismo Mannerism Mantova Mantua Mito greco Greek Myth Mitologia Mythology Opera d'arte Artwork Palazzo Ducale Ducal Palace Patroclo Patroclus Pittura Painting Stile Art style Troia Troy XVI secolo XVI century
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