Ferrara, Palazzo Schifanoia
Ferrara: Palazzo Schifanoia, Hall of the Months, Lower section: Life scenes of Borso d'Este's court, on a project by Cosmé Tura e realised by painters of the Ferrara school, about 1468 - 1470. Detail. Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara (FE), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy
May 14, 2003
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Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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XV secolo XV century Affresco Fresco Aristocrazia Aristocracy Arte Art Arte profana Profane Art Borso d'Este Caccia Hunting Cavaliere Knight Corte Court Cosmè Tura Duchi d'Este Emilia Romagna Estensi Falcone Falcon Falconeria Falconry Ferrara Il Quattrocento 15th Century Italia Italy Lavandaia Laundress Palazzo Palace Palazzo Schifanoia Pittura Painting Rinascimento Renaissance Sport XV secolo XV century
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