![Sala Baganza (Parma)](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a01_354.jpg)
Sala Baganza (Parma)
Sala Baganza (Parma), Rocca Sanvitale, Room of Hercules: view of the vault with frescoes depicting stories of Hercules, by Orazio Samacchini (maybe Bernardino Campi), 1564 - 1565.Detail with newborn Hercules fighting the snakes sent by Hera, under the gaze of his mother Alcmene.
Rocca Sanvitale, Sala Baganza (PR), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy
Apr 15, 2003
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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XVI secolo XVI century Painted Architecture Affresco Fresco Architettura Architecture Architettura dipinta Arte Art Dea Goddess Divinità Divinity Emilia Romagna Era Hera Eracle Heracles Ercole Hercules Giunone Juno Il Cinquecento The 16th Century Italia Italy Manierismo Mannerism Mito greco Greek Myth Mitologia Mythology Olimpo Olympus Opera d'arte Artwork Parma Pittura Painting Prospettiva Perspective Rinascimento Renaissance Sala Baganza Trompe l'oeil XVI secolo XVI century
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