Same subject
Elvis Presley actor
Modena, Galleria Estense
Modena, Galleria Estense: "Venus and Cupid" (1592), by Annibale Carracci. Olio su tela.
Galleria Estense, Modena (MO), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy
Nov 12, 2003
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
31,4Mb (1,8Mb) / 13,5in x 9,0in / 4064 x 2704 (300dpi)
XVI secolo XVI century Female Beauty Afrodite Aphrodite Annibale Carracci Arte Art Artista Artist Bellezza femminile Colomba Dove Cupido Cupid Dea Goddess Dipinto a olio Oil painting Divinità Divinity Emilia Romagna Eros Galleria Estense Il Cinquecento The 16th Century Italia Italy Manierismo Mannerism Mito greco Greek Myth Mitologia Mythology Modena Museo Museum Olimpo Olympus Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Stile Art style Venere Venus XVI secolo XVI century
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