Same subject
Decorated vaults photographed by Ghigo Roli
Maser, Villa Barbaro, the Hall of Olympus
Maser, Villa Barbaro, the Hall of Olympus, the vault: the Olympus. In the corners the four elements are depicted: Vulcan or the Fire, Cybele or the Earth, Neptune or the Water, Juno or the Air. Among these representations, there are the representations, in monochrome frescoes, of the Abundance (with the horn of plenty), the Fecundity, the Fortune (with the wheel), and Love. Int the central octagon, the Universal Harmony is surrounded by gods: Zeus with an eagle, Mars, Apollo with the lyre, Venus, Mercury with caduceus, Diana with dogs, and Saturn. Among the clouds near the frame there are the signs of the zodiac. Frescoes by Paolo Caliari, known as il Veronese, 1560 - 1561.
Villa Barbaro, Maser (TV), Veneto, Italia - Italy
Nov 27, 2003
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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169,9Mb (10,0Mb) / 31,5in x 21,0in / 9449 x 6285 (300dpi)
Mitologia Mythology|Olimpo Olympus|Divinità Divinity|Dio God Architectural Detail Astrological Sign Abbondanza Abundance Acqua Water Affresco Fresco Afrodite Aphrodite Amore Love Apollo Aquila Eagle Architettura Architecture Ares Aria Air Armonia Harmony Arte Art Artemide Artemis Artista Artist Astrologia Astrology Caduceo Caduceus Cane Dog Cetra Zither Cibele Cybele Concetto Concept Crono Cronus Dea Goddess Destino Destiny Dettaglio architettonico Diana Dio God Divinità Divinity Edificio Building Efesto Hephaestus Era Hera Ermes Hermes Fecondità Fecundity Fortuna Fortune Fuoco Fire Giove Jupiter Giunone Juno Il Cinquecento The 16th Century Italia Italy Lira Lyre Manierismo Mannerism Marte Mars Maser Mercurio Mercury Mitologia Mythology Monocromo Monochrome Nettuno Neptune Olimpo Olympus Opera d'arte Artwork Paolo Caliari Pittura Painting Prospettiva Perspective Rinascimento Renaissance Ruota Wheel Salone Hall Saturno Saturn Scuola veneta Venetian School Segno zodiacale Sorte Fate Stanza Room Stile Art style Storia History Terra Earth Treviso Venere Venus Veneto Villa Mansion Volta Vault Vulcano Vulcan XVI secolo XVI century Zeus Zodiaco Zodiac il Veronese Mitologia Mythology|Olimpo Olympus|Divinità Divinity|Dio
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