![Varallo Sesia, Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a03_232.jpg)
Varallo Sesia, Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Varallo Sesia, Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie: frescoes of the Gaudenzio Ferrari wall "The life and the Passion of Christ", by Gaudenzio Ferrari, 1513. Detail of "Flight into Egypt".
Feb 03, 2004
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
12,5Mb (1,5Mb) / 5,7in x 8,5in / 1703 x 2560 (300dpi)
Vercelli Flight into Egypt Adorazione Adoration Affresco Fresco Arte Art Arte sacra Sacred Art Bambin Gesù Infant Jesus Cristianesimo Christianity Cristo Christ Fuga in Egitto Gaudenzio Ferrari Gesù Jesus Italia Italy La Vergine The Virgin Madonna Maria Mary Piemonte Piedmont Pittura Painting Religione Religion Rinascimento Renaissance S. Giuseppe St. Joseph Varallo Sesia Vercelli
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