Brescia, Palazzo Martinengo Salvadego
Brescia, Palazzo Martinengo Salvadego: detail of the Small Room of the Noble Ladies. The decoration was commissioned by Gerolamo Martinengo da Padernello on the occasion of his wedding with Eleonora Gonzaga, celebrated on February 4, 1543. Oil paintings on canvas glued to the walls, by Alessandro Bonvicino called "Il Moretto", (1543-1546). Detail with a portrait of a noblewoman.
Palazzo Martinengo Salvadego, Brescia (BS), Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy
Feb 16, 2004
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
31,4Mb (4,1Mb) / 9,0in x 13,5in / 2704 x 4064 (300dpi)
Ritratto Portrait Female Beauty Female Figure Arte Art Arte profana Profane Art Bellezza femminile Brescia Dama Lady of Court Dipinto a olio Oil painting Donna Woman Eleganza Elegance Figura femminile Gentildonna Gentlewoman Giovane donna Young Woman Il Cinquecento 16th Century Il Moretto Italia Italy Lombardia Lombardy Palazzo Martinengo Salvadego Rinascimento Renaissance XVI secolo XVI century Alessandro Bonvicino Opera d'arte Artwork Moda Fashion Acconciatura Hairstyle Ritratto Portrait
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