Same subject
Elvis Presley actor
Turin, the Royal Palace
Turin, the Royal Palace, the Archives apartment (Third Room): "Disciplines of the Olympic Games". Fresco by Francesco De Mura, 1741 - 43. Detail with horse and biga.
Palazzo Reale, Torino (TO), Piemonte - Piedmont, Italia - Italy
Nov 15, 2004
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
71,9Mb (3,5Mb) / 20,5in x 13,6in / 6144 x 4088 (300dpi)
XVIII secolo XVIII century Royal Palace Affresco Fresco Arte Art Barocco Baroque Biga Cavallo Horse Età Greca Greek Age Francesco De Mura Giochi olimpici Olympic Games I Greci The Greeks Il Settecento 18th Century Italia Italy Opera d'arte Artwork Palazzo Palace Palazzo Reale Piemonte Piedmont Pittura Painting Sport Torino Turin XVIII secolo XVIII century
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