Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria
Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria: Polyptych of S. Antonio, by Piero della Francesca, 1467-9, oil on panel. Detail of the Cymatium: Annunciation.
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia (PG), Umbria, Italia - Italy
Nov 18, 2018
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
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104,2Mb (3,6Mb) / 24,6in x 16,4in / 7392 x 4928 (300dpi)
National Gallery of Umbria Oil Panel Painting Painted Architecture Angelo Angel Annunciazione Annunciation Arcangelo Archangel Architettura Architecture Architettura dipinta Arte Art Cherubino Cherub Cristianesimo Christianity Dipinto a olio Oil painting Gabriele Gabriel Galleria Nazionale Umbria Il Quattrocento 15th Century Italia Italy La Vergine The Virgin Madonna Maria Mary Museo Museum Olio su tavola Opera d'arte Artwork Perugia Piero della Francesca Pittura Painting Polittico Polyptych Prospettiva Perspective Religione Religion Rinascimento Renaissance Umbria XV secolo XV century
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