![Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria, Chapel of the Priors](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a05_263.jpg)
Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria, Chapel of the Priors
Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria, Chapel of the Priors: Cycle dedicated to the Stories of St. Ludovic of Toulouse and St. Herculanus, realised between 1454 and 1480. Frescoes. The cycle is characterized by views and monuments of the fifteenth-century Perugia.
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia (PG), Umbria, Italia - Italy
Nov 18, 2018
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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104,2Mb (7,5Mb) / 24,6in x 16,4in / 7392 x 4928 (300dpi)
National Gallery of Umbria Painted Architecture St. Louis of Toulouse Architettura dipinta Arte Art Benedetto Bonfigli Cristianesimo Christianity Galleria Nazionale Umbria Il Quattrocento 15th Century Italia Italy Museo Museum Opera d'arte Artwork Paesaggio Landscape Paesaggio urbano Urban View Perugia Pittura Painting Prospettiva Perspective Religione Religion Rinascimento Renaissance S. Ercolano St. Herculanus S. Ludovico di Tolosa Santo Saint Umbria Veduta View Veduta di città Town View XV secolo XV century
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