Brescia, "Santa Giulia, Museum of the City"
Brescia, "Santa Giulia, Museum of the City" (Unesco site since 2011), the Nuns' Choir. The frescoes are by Floriano Ferramola and Paolo da Caylina the Younger and date back to the 1520s. The Crucifixion is attributed to Ferramola.Santa Giulia, Museo della Città, Brescia (BS), Lombardia/Lombardy, Italia/Italy
Feb 05, 2019
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Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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UNESCO World Heritage Site Affresco Fresco Arte Art Brescia Brixia Chiesa Church Coro Choir Crocifissione Crucifixion Floriano Ferramola Il Cinquecento 16th Century Italia Italy Lombardia Lombardy Museo Museum Opera d'arte Artwork Paolo da Caylina il Giovane Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Umanità Pittura Painting Rinascimento Renaissance Storia History UNESCO
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