Brescia, the archaeological area of the Capitolium in the ancient Brixia
Brescia, the archaeological area of the Capitolium in the ancient Brixia, Unesco heritage since 2011: Head of Minerva, Roman copy of an original Greek artwork./Area archeologica del Capitolium, Brescia (BS), Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy
Feb 05, 2019
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Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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UNESCO World Heritage Site Arte Art Arte greca Greek Art Arte romana Roman Art Atena Athena Brescia Brixia Dea Goddess Divinità Divinity Età Romana Roman Age I Romani The Romans Italia Italy Lombardia Lombardy Marmo Marble Minerva Mitologia Mythology Olimpo Olympus Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Umanità Scultura Sculpture Statua Statue Storia History Testa Head UNESCO
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