Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo
Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo: "Portrait of a gentlewoman as Salome", by Alessandro Bonvicino known as il Moretto, about 1537. Oil painting on panel.
Feb 06, 2019
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
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86,1Mb (7,0Mb) / 14,9in x 22,4in / 4480 x 6720 (300dpi)
XVI secolo XVI century Female Beauty Female Figure Oil Panel Painting Alessandro Bonvicino Aristocrazia Aristocracy Arte Art Bellezza femminile Brescia Dipinto a olio Oil painting Donna Woman Figura femminile Gentildonna Gentlewoman Il Cinquecento 16th Century Il Moretto Italia Italy Lombardia Lombardy Museo Museum Nobiltà Nobility Olio su tavola Opera d'arte Artwork Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo Pittura Painting Principessa Princess Rinascimento Renaissance Ritratto Portrait Salomè Salome XVI secolo XVI century
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