Allegory of Rhetoric; fresco by Jacopo di Cione
"Allegory of Rhetoric"; fresco by Jacopo di Cione (brother of Orcagna, 1366-1406) based on the iconographic program of Coluccio Salutati (1375-1406), preserved in the Palazzo dell'Arte dei Giudici e Notai, or del Proconsolo in Florence.
Firenze (FI) - Florence
Jun 16, 2020
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
86,1Mb (6,6Mb) / 14,9in x 22,4in / 4480 x 6720 (300dpi)
Retorica Rethoric Arte Art Artista Artist Jacopo di Cione Storia History XIV secolo XIV Century Il Trecento The 14th Century Cultura Culture Conoscenza Knowledge Letteratura Literature Coluccio Salutati Opera d'arte Artwork Ritratto Portrait Pittura Painting Affresco Fresco Stile Art Style Arte medioevale Medieval Art Retorica Rhetoric Concetto Concept Allegoria Allegory Dialettica Dialectic Retorica Rethoric
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