![Andrea Orcagna: 'Lucifer clutching two Giants and Antenor'](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr21a00_178.jpg)
Andrea Orcagna: 'Lucifer clutching two Giants and Antenor'
Basilica di Santa Croce: "Lucifero artiglia due giganti e Antenore", frammento dal ciclo di affreschi staccati "Trionfo della Morte, Giudizio Universale e Inferno", di Andrea Orcagna, 1350 circa.
Basilica of the Holy Cross: "Lucifer clutching two Giants and Antenor", fragment from the cycle of detached frescoes "The Triumph of Death, Last Judgement and Hell", by Andrea Orcagna, about 1350,
Basilica di Santa Croce, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy
Nov 07, 2019
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
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54,8Mb (5,3Mb) / 22,4in x 9,5in / 6720 x 2851 (300dpi)
XIV secolo XIV Century Basilica of the Holy Cross Last Judgement Affresco Fresco Andrea Orcagna Antenore Antenor Arte Art Arte medioevale Medieval art Basilica Basilica di Santa Croce Cristianesimo Christianity Demone Demon Diavolo Devil Firenze Florence Gigante Giant Giudizio universale Gotico Gothic Il Trecento The 14th Century Inferno Hell Italia Italy Lucifero Lucifer Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Religione Religion Satana Satan Toscana Tuscany XIV secolo XIV Century
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