![The 'Knight Marafioti'](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr22a00_016.jpg)
The 'Knight Marafioti'
“Cavaliere Marafioti, giovane cavaliere sorretto da una sfinge”, gruppo statuario, terracotta policroma, 420 - 400 a.C. Proveniente da tempio greco in località Marafioti nei pressi di Locri.
"Knight Marafioti, young knight supported by a sphinx", statuary group, polychrome terracotta, 420 - 400 BC. It was found in a Greek temple in the locality of Marafioti near Locri.
Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Reggio Calabria (RC), Calabria, Italia - Italy
Jun 02, 2016
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
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67,8Mb (4,1Mb) / 14,7in x 18,0in / 4400 x 5385 (300dpi)
Cavallo Horse Calabria Italia Italy Art Work of art Sculpture Statue Terracotta Earthenware Statua equestre Equestrian Statue Cavaliere Knight Arte greca Greek Art Età Greca Greek Age I Greci The Greeks Cavallo Horse
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