“Madonna with infant Jesus standing on a balustrade”, by Bartolomeo Montagna
“Madonna con Bambino in piedi su una balaustra”, di Bartolomeo Montagna, olio su tavola, inizio XVI secolo.
“Madonna with infant Jesus standing on a balustrade”, by Bartolomeo Montagna, oil painting on panel, beginning XVI century.
Museo Civico di Palazzo Chierica, Vicenza (VI), Veneto, Italia - Italy
Mar 01, 2021
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Rights managed
Available size
129,4Mb (10,5Mb) / 20,0in x 25,1in / 6010 x 7523 (300dpi)
Il Cinquecento 16th Century Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Dipinto a olio Oil Painting Olio su tavola - - Oil Panel Painting Religione Religion Cristianesimo Christianity Maria Mary La Vergine The Virgin Madonna Rinascimento Renaissance Bartolomeo Montagna Bambin Gesù Infant Jesus XVI secolo XVI Century Il Cinquecento 16th Century
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