![“The Judgment of Paris”, by Luca Giordano](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr22a02_397.jpg)
“The Judgment of Paris”, by Luca Giordano
“Il giudizio di Paride”, di Luca Giordano, dipinto a olio su tela, seconda metà XVII secolo.
“The Judgment of Paris”, by Luca Giordano, oil painting on canvas, second half XVII century.
Museo Civico di Palazzo Chierica, Vicenza (VI), Veneto, Italia - Italy
Mar 01, 2021
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
License type
Rights managed
Available size
133,4Mb (7,7Mb) / 25,9in x 20,0in / 7755 x 6011 (300dpi)
Venere Venus Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Dipinto a olio Oil Painting Luca Giordano Caravaggismo Caravaggism XVII secolo XVII Century Il Seicento The 17th Century Mitologia Mythology Mito greco Greek Myth Troia Troy Paride Paris Giudizio Judgement Olimpo Olympus Divinità Divinity Dea Goddess Atena Athena Minerva Giunone Juno Era Hera Afrodite Aphrodite Venere Venus
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