Fats Waller (1904-1943), American Jazz Pianist, Composer and Singer, on-set of the Film "Stormy Weather", 1943
Fats Waller (1904-1943), American Jazz Pianist, Composer and Singer, on-set of the Film "Stormy Weather", 1943
Jan 01, 1942
Credit line
Glasshouse Images/Photo12
Model release
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Rights managed
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43,4Mb (961,6Kb) / 11,4in x 14,8in / 3426 x 4427 (300dpi)
Photography Fats Waller musician celebrity historical one person only man male adult African-American black Fats Waller Thomas Wright Waller portrait smoking cigarette nicotine musician celebrity actor music entertainment blues R&B jazz piano film movie Hollywood Stormy Weather 1943 1940's photography historical vintage retro black & white b&w b w vertical GHIV,
It is forbidden to reproduce the photograph out of context of the promotion of the film. It must be credited to the Film Company and/or the photographer assigned by or authorized by/allowed on the set by the Film Company. Restricted to Editorial Use. Photo12 does not grant publicity rights of the persons represented.
Editorial use only.