![The gradual abolition off the slave trade or leaving of sugar by degrees, engraving 1792, George III sitting at a table with the Queen and two of his daughters, and the Queen's Keeper of the Robes, Juliana Elizabeth Schwellenbergen holding a bottle of Brandy, discussing the use of sugar in moderation. Princess Elizabeth states that of late I have been very moderate. But I must have a bit now & then; while her sister would rather want alltogether [sic] than have a small Piece. The title is a play on the words of and off; the abolition of the slave trade or leaving off sugar by degrees.](https://www.photo12.com/lt/lzt16a00_348.jpg)
The gradual abolition off the slave trade or leaving of sugar by degrees, engraving 1792, George III sitting at a table with the Queen and two of his daughters, and the Queen's Keeper of the Robes, Juliana Elizabeth Schwellenbergen holding a bottle of Brandy, discussing the use of sugar in moderation. Princess Elizabeth states that of late I have been very moderate. But I must have a bit now & then; while her sister would rather want alltogether [sic] than have a small Piece. The title is a play on the words of and off; the abolition of the slave trade or leaving off sugar by degrees.
Credit line
Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited
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46,6Mb (3,0Mb) / 16,7in x 10,9in / 5000 x 3257 (300dpi)