THE PERFORMANCE OF "THE BIRDS" OF ARISTOPHANES AT ST. ANDREW'S HALL, CAMBRIDGE, BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY, UK, 1883: 1. Inspector: Mr. Guillemard. 2. The Chorus. 3. Priest: Mr. Benson. 4. Iris: Mr. Maxse. 5. Euelpides: Mr. Newton; Pithetaerus: Mr. James. 6. Mr. Platts Recites the Parabasis.

THE PERFORMANCE OF "THE BIRDS" OF ARISTOPHANES AT ST. ANDREW'S HALL, CAMBRIDGE, BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY, UK, 1883: 1. Inspector: Mr. Guillemard. 2. The Chorus. 3. Priest: Mr. Benson. 4. Iris: Mr. Maxse. 5. Euelpides: Mr. Newton; Pithetaerus: Mr. James. 6. Mr. Platts Recites the Parabasis.



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