Ear Ornament(?), 500-200 BC. Peru, North Highlands, Chavín de Huantar(?), Chavín style. Hammered and cut gold; diameter: 2.8 cm (1 1/8 in.); overall: 1.6 cm (5/8 in.).

Ear Ornament(?), 500-200 BC. Peru, North Highlands, Chavín de Huantar(?), Chavín style. Hammered and cut gold; diameter: 2.8 cm (1 1/8 in.); overall: 1.6 cm (5/8 in.).


The Cleveland Museum of Arts

Credit line

Photo12/Liszt Collection



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29,0Mb (549,0Kb) / 11,9in x 9,4in / 3581 x 2834 (300dpi)

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