Coin Portraying Emperor Constantine II or Emperor Constantius Gallus, AD 317/337 or (Constantine II), AD 351/354 (Constanius Gallus), Roman, Roman Empire, Bronze, Diam. 2.3 cm, 5.37 g

Coin Portraying Emperor Constantine II or Emperor Constantius Gallus, AD 317/337 or (Constantine II), AD 351/354 (Constanius Gallus), Roman, Roman Empire, Bronze, Diam. 2.3 cm, 5.37 g


Chicago, The Art Institute

Credit line

Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro



License type

Rights managed

Available size

51,1Mb (885,4Kb) / 20,0in x 9,9in / 6000 x 2974 (300dpi)

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