Bouquet with Daffodils, from Collection of Different Bouquets of Flowers, Invented and Drawn by Jean Pillement and Engraved by P. C. Canot, published July 4, 1760, Pierre-Charles Canot (French, 1710-1777), after Jean-Baptiste Pillement (French, 1728-1808), published by Charles Leviez (French, 1708-1778), France, Etching on ivory laid paper, 300 × 212 mm (plate), 539 × 363 mm (sheet)

Bouquet with Daffodils, from Collection of Different Bouquets of Flowers, Invented and Drawn by Jean Pillement and Engraved by P. C. Canot, published July 4, 1760, Pierre-Charles Canot (French, 1710-1777), after Jean-Baptiste Pillement (French, 1728-1808), published by Charles Leviez (French, 1708-1778), France, Etching on ivory laid paper, 300 × 212 mm (plate), 539 × 363 mm (sheet)


Chicago, The Art Institute

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Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro



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