The punishment of Niobe (seventh plate), 1594, copperplate engraving, sheet: 26.4 x 38.5 cm (trimmed within the edge of the plate), inscribed below the image field: Non tulit Arcitenens, pharetraq [ue] acciucta Diana, Nec mora, Agenorid [a] e properant ad m [a] onia cadmi, Ismenos, Sipylusq [ue] cadunt, nil quadrupedantum, Vngula equum prodest, fratres mors occupat omnes., Jan Saenredam, Stecher, Zaandam 1565–1607 Assendelft, Hendrick Goltzius, Zeichner, Mühlbrecht 1558–1617 Haarlem, Polidoro Caldara, gen. da Caravaggio, Inventor, Caravaggio bei Bergamo um 1499 (?) – 1543 Messina
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The punishment of Niobe (seventh plate), 1594, copperplate engraving, sheet: 26.4 x 38.5 cm (trimmed within the edge of the plate), inscribed below the image field: Non tulit Arcitenens, pharetraq [ue] acciucta Diana, Nec mora, Agenorid [a] e properant ad m [a] onia cadmi, Ismenos, Sipylusq [ue] cadunt, nil quadrupedantum, Vngula equum prodest, fratres mors occupat omnes., Jan Saenredam, Stecher, Zaandam 1565–1607 Assendelft, Hendrick Goltzius, Zeichner, Mühlbrecht 1558–1617 Haarlem, Polidoro Caldara, gen. da Caravaggio, Inventor, Caravaggio bei Bergamo um 1499 (?) – 1543 Messina

Credit line

Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro



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Rights managed

Available size

88,2Mb (9,9Mb) / 22,3in x 15,4in / 6680 x 4615 (300dpi)

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