Girls standing and talking in ballet studio
Same subject

Elvis Presley actor


Girls standing and talking in ballet studio


Girls standing and talking in ballet studio.
Norfolk, Virginia, USA


May 19, 2016

Credit line

Photo12/Tetra Images/Mark Edward Atkinson



Model release


Property release


License type

Royalty free

Available size

51,8Mb (1020,6Kb) / 17,4in x 11,6in / 5208 x 3476 (300dpi)


12-13 years 16-17 years african-american ethnicity authentic authenticity ballerina ballet ballet studio candid caucasian childhood classmate color image dance studio dancer dancing day discipline enjoying five people friend gen z generation z girl girls hair bun horizontal indoors laughing learning leotard minority multi-ethnic group multicultural multiculturalism norfolk people photography playful practice pre-adolescent child real life real people recreation selective focus standing studio talking teenage girl teenage girls teenager three quarter length tutu united states urban virginia 5 african african american african ethnicity african-american afro american afro-american america american americas amusement apparel appreciating black buddy chatting child children chum clothes clothing color colour communicating communication companion companionship comrade conversation conversing dance daylight daytime dialog dialogue discussing east coast enjoyment entertainment female five friendship fun gal garment human human being indoor inside jolly juvenile kid laughter leisure activity lively metropolitan minor mischievious mischievous north america of african descent pal pastime performing arts person pleasing pleasure pre-adolescent relationship relishing schoolmate skirt south southeast speaking studying talker teen teenage three-quarter length tween tweenie tweenies tweens u.s. u.s.a. united states of america us usa va western european whimsical young youngster youth youthful Photography Caucasian Caucasian Caucasian Caucasian Black

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