
11 results for: ruegen dam

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The Baltic Sea at the Ruegen Dam with the Ruegen Bridge

The Baltic Sea at the Ruegen Dam with the Ruegen B...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

Bathing area of a private owner on the Ruegen embankment between the island and Stralsund

Bathing area of a private owner on the Ruegen emba...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the island and Stralsund

The Ruegen Bridge on the Ruegen Dam between the is...

Long exposure in front of the Strelasund crossing at the Ruegen Bridge and the Ruegen Dam

Long exposure in front of the Strelasund crossing ...

Long exposure in front of the Strelasund crossing at the Ruegen Bridge and the Ruegen Dam

Long exposure in front of the Strelasund crossing ...