
15 results for: legion of honour

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A book for children: Napoleon Bonaparte institutes the Legion of Honour

A book for children: Napoleon Bonaparte institutes...

Callet, Portrait of Charles Gravier, Count of Vergennes

Callet, Portrait of Charles Gravier, Count of Verg...

General Alby, Major General of the Army, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour (1918)

General Alby, Major General of the Army, Grand Off...

First Paris-New-York nonstop flight, 1930

First Paris-New-York nonstop flight, 1930

Paris. In front of the Arc de Triomphe, President Doumergue decorating generals with the Legion of Honour.

Paris. In front of the Arc de Triomphe, President ...

The city of Paris decorated with the War Cross (1919)

The city of Paris decorated with the War Cross (19...

World War I. 
General Joffre visiting the front (1916)

World War I. General Joffre visiting the front (1...

World War I
President Poincaré awarding the Cordon of the Legion of Honour to General Roques, 1916

World War I President Poincaré awarding the Cordon...

In Strasbourg, Marshal Pétain congratulating General Gouraud, after having awarded him the cord of the Legion of Honour (January 1919)

In Strasbourg, Marshal Pétain congratulating Gener...

President of the French Republic, Mr. Loubet, decorated with the Legion of Honour, in "Le Petit journal", 3-5-1899

President of the French Republic, Mr. Loubet, deco...

Inauguration of General Faidherbe's statue in St. Louis, Senegal, in "Le Monde illustré", April 23, 1887

Inauguration of General Faidherbe's statue in St. ...

Portrait of General Davout, in "Le Journal illustré" from December 22, 1895

Portrait of General Davout, in "Le Journal illustr...

In front of the war memorial in Mars-la-Tour (1910)

In front of the war memorial in Mars-la-Tour (1910...

In front of the war memorial in Mars-la-Tour(1910)

In front of the war memorial in Mars-la-Tour(1910)

General Brulard is made Commander of the Legion of Honour by General Lyautey

General Brulard is made Commander of the Legion of...