
10 results for: s. sigismondo

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Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamb...

Church San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore in Milan

Church San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore in Milan

Cremona, Church of San Sigismondo, vault of the central nave

Cremona, Church of San Sigismondo, vault of the ce...

Cremona, Church of San Sigismondo, vault of the central nave

Cremona, Church of San Sigismondo, vault of the ce...