
12 results for: daniel webster

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Daniel Webster

Daniel Webster

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, Served as Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator Secretary of State, Head and Shoulders Portrait, Steel Engraving, Portrait Gallery ...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, S...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, Served as Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator Secretary of State, Seated Portrait, Steel Engraving, Portrait Gallery of Eminent M...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, S...

The United States Senate, A.D. 1850, Henry Clay Speaking about the Compromise of 1850 in the Old Senate Chamber, Drawn by P.F. Rothermel, engraved by R. Whitechurch, Published by John M. Butler and Al...

The United States Senate, A.D. 1850, Henry Clay Sp...

Death of William Henry Harrison, Inaugurated President of the United States March 4th, 1841, Lithograph, Kelloggs & Thayer, 1846

Death of William Henry Harrison, Inaugurated Presi...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American statesman who represented New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the United States Congress and served as the United States Secretary of State under Presidents William...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American statesman who...

"Soliciting a Vote", Political Cartoon during U.S. Presidential Campaign Featuring Stephen Douglas, Sam Houston, Winfield Scott, Daniel Webster,  Lithograph, John L. Magee, 1852

"Soliciting a Vote", Political Cartoon during U.S....

Death of Harrison, April 4 A.D. 1841, U.S. President William Henry Harrison on his Deathbed with family, Reverend Hawley,  Secretary of Treasury Thomas Ewing, Secretary of State Daniel Webster and Pos...

Death of Harrison, April 4 A.D. 1841, U.S. Preside...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Senator and Statesman, Engraving, 1889

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Senator and S...

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, Served as Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator, &  Secretary of State, Head and Shoulders Portrait

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American Politician, S...

Edward Arnold, Anne Shirley and James Craig on-set of the Film, The Devil and Daniel Webster (aka All That Money Can Buy), 1941

Edward Arnold, Anne Shirley and James Craig on-set...

The Driveway, Central Park, New York City, New York, USA, Detroit Publishing Company, 1900

The Driveway, Central Park, New York City, New Yor...