
104 results for: massacre

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Joel McCrea, on-set of the western film, "Fort Massacre", United Artists, 1958

Joel McCrea, on-set of the western film, "Fort Mas...

George Segal

George Segal

Joe Turkel

Joe Turkel

Jason Robards

Jason Robards

George Segal

George Segal

Detained African American men with Hands raised

Detained African American men with Hands raised

Buildings burning during Race Riots

Buildings burning during Race Riots

Ruins of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Ruins of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Detained African American men with Hands raised

Detained African American men with Hands raised

The French Ambassador at the Court of Queen Elizabeth

The French Ambassador at the Court of Queen Elizab...

Two American Red Cross Canteen Workers

Two American Red Cross Canteen Workers

U.S. Soldiers of 57th Infantry

U.S. Soldiers of 57th Infantry

Massacre of the Huguenots by Melendez (Menendez)

Massacre of the Huguenots by Melendez (Menendez)

The Cardinal of Lorraine receiving the Head of Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny)

The Cardinal of Lorraine receiving the Head of Col...

Assassination of Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny)

Assassination of Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny)

Massacre of Armagnacs by the Burgundians

Massacre of Armagnacs by the Burgundians

Slaughter of Mexicans by Spaniards at Cholula

Slaughter of Mexicans by Spaniards at Cholula

The Fugitive Huguenot in the Bed-Chamber of the Queen of Navarre

The Fugitive Huguenot in the Bed-Chamber of the Qu...

Scene during the Night of St. Bartholomew

Scene during the Night of St. Bartholomew

The Morning after St. Bartholomew

The Morning after St. Bartholomew

Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny)

Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny)

Flight of Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny) from Paris

Flight of Coligni (Gaspard de Coligny) from Paris

St. Bartholomew St. Bartholomew's Day massacre)

St. Bartholomew St. Bartholomew's Day massacre)

Catherine de Medici and Charles IX

Catherine de Medici and Charles IX

Smoldering Ruins of African American's Homes following Race Riots

Smoldering Ruins of African American's Homes follo...

Billowing Smoke during Race Riots

Billowing Smoke during Race Riots

Rear View of Truck carrying African Americans during Riot

Rear View of Truck carrying African Americans duri...

Truck on Street near Litan Hotel carrying Soldiers and African Americans during Race Riots

Truck on Street near Litan Hotel carrying Soldiers...

Furniture in Street during Race Riot

Furniture in Street during Race Riot

Entrance to Refugee Camp on Fair grounds after Race Riot

Entrance to Refugee Camp on Fair grounds after Rac...

Surgical Ward 1

Surgical Ward 1

Group of African Americans

Group of African Americans

Rubble of Houses in African American Neighborhood after Race Riots

Rubble of Houses in African American Neighborhood ...

Supply Department

Supply Department

Reconstruction after Destruction by Fire caused by Race Riots

Reconstruction after Destruction by Fire caused by...

American Red Cross Headquarters and Hospital

American Red Cross Headquarters and Hospital

Race Riots

Race Riots

Red Cross Dispensary after Race Riots Tulsa

Red Cross Dispensary after Race Riots Tulsa

Family Work Department

Family Work Department

Part of Greenwood District burned in Race Riots

Part of Greenwood District burned in Race Riots

Headquarters Staff

Headquarters Staff

Burning of Church where Ammunition was stored during Race Riot

Burning of Church where Ammunition was stored duri...

Devastation of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Devastation of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Red Cross Tents

Red Cross Tents

Ruins of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Ruins of Greenwood District after Race Riots

Reconstruction Period after Race Riots

Reconstruction Period after Race Riots

Williams Bldg.

Williams Bldg.

Patients recovering from Effects of Race Riot of June 1st

Patients recovering from Effects of Race Riot of J...

American Red Cross Hospital put up for use after Race Riots

American Red Cross Hospital put up for use after R...

Woods Building after Race Riots

Woods Building after Race Riots

Massacre of Christian Priests by the Danish Invaders, Illustration from John Cassell's Illustrated History of England, Vol. I from the earliest period to the reign of Edward the Fourth, Cassell, Pette...

Massacre of Christian Priests by the Danish Invade...

Massacre of the Jews at the Coronation of Richard I, Illustration from John Cassell's Illustrated History of England, Vol. I from the earliest period to the reign of Edward the Fourth, Cassell, Petter...

Massacre of the Jews at the Coronation of Richard ...

Chief Swift Bear, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Chief Swift Bear, Book Illustration from “Indian H...

“Sioux Indians Near Pine Ridge Agency”, Oglala Lakota Native American reservation, 1889, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Sioux Indians Near Pine Ridge Agency”, Oglala Lak...

"A Dead Town of the Aztecs”, by Artist A. Bobbett, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

"A Dead Town of the Aztecs”, by Artist A. Bobbett,...

“Band of Hostiles on the Way to Pine Ridge Agency”, established 1889, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Band of Hostiles on the Way to Pine Ridge Agency”...

“Curious Dwellings of the Aztecs”, by Artist H. Sebald, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Curious Dwellings of the Aztecs”, by Artist H. Se...

“Attack Upon a United States Mail Coach”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Attack Upon a United States Mail Coach”, Book Ill...

Pontiac (1720-1769), Ottawa War Chief, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Pontiac (1720-1769), Ottawa War Chief, Book Illust...

“Indian Amusements, Canoe Race Between Sioux Squaws” Sioux, by Artist S. C. Sharp, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Indian Amusements, Canoe Race Between Sioux Squaw...

“Indians Hunting Wild Buffaloes”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Indians Hunting Wild Buffaloes”, Book Illustratio...

“The Burning of Brookfield by the Indians”, Engraving by Van Ingen Snyder, circa 1860, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“The Burning of Brookfield by the Indians”, Engrav...

General Nelson A. Miles (1839-1925), Civil War, U.S. Army Campaigns against Native American Tribes, Spanish-American War, by Artist V. Grebayedoff, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres ...

General Nelson A. Miles (1839-1925), Civil War, U....

Andrew Poe’s Famous Combat with Wyandot Chief Bigfoot”, 1871, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Andrew Poe’s Famous Combat with Wyandot Chief Bigf...

Chinese Victims with Japanese Soldier at Right, Nanking Massacre, circa 1937

Chinese Victims with Japanese Soldier at Right, Na...

“The Lava Beds - Scene of the Modoc Indian War”, Lava Beds National Monument, California, 1873, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“The Lava Beds - Scene of the Modoc Indian War”, L...

“Medicine Man Performing His Incantations”, tribe not specified, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Medicine Man Performing His Incantations”, tribe ...

Execution of Two Chinese Men by Japanese Soldiers during Second Sino-Japanese War, circa 1937

Execution of Two Chinese Men by Japanese Soldiers ...

“Snow-Shoe Dance of the Apache” after lithograph by George Catlin, 1844-45, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Snow-Shoe Dance of the Apache” after lithograph b...

“Massacre of Settlers by the Indians”, tribe and location unspecified, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Massacre of Settlers by the Indians”, tribe and l...

“Scalp Dance of the Comanches”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Scalp Dance of the Comanches”, Book Illustration ...

“Building the First House in Jamestown” Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Building the First House in Jamestown” Book Illus...

“Medicine Man in Fantastic Costume”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Medicine Man in Fantastic Costume”, Book Illustra...

“Comanches ‘Smoking Horses’”, Sac and Fox Village, 1835, after Sketch by George Catlin, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Comanches ‘Smoking Horses’”, Sac and Fox Village,...

Chief American Horse (1840-1908), Oglala Lakota Chief, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Chief American Horse (1840-1908), Oglala Lakota Ch...

Pocahontas, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Pocahontas, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors...

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), “Old Hickory”,  Seventh President of the United States, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), “Old Hickory”, Sevent...

Pshan-Shaw, Pawnee, Squaw, after painting by George Catlin, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Pshan-Shaw, Pawnee, Squaw, after painting by Georg...

“Last Stand of the Indians at Tippecanoe”, near Lafayette, Indiana, 1811, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Last Stand of the Indians at Tippecanoe”, near La...

Japanese Soldier about to Behead a Chinese Prisoner during Second Sino-Japanese War, circa 1937

Japanese Soldier about to Behead a Chinese Prisone...

William Penn (1644-1718), Founder of English Colony of Pennsylvania, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

William Penn (1644-1718), Founder of English Colon...

Osceola or Asi-yahola (1804-1838), born Billy Powell, Chief of the Seminole, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Osceola or Asi-yahola (1804-1838), born Billy Powe...

“Indians Scalping Their Victims”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Indians Scalping Their Victims”, Book Illustratio...

“Wanton Destruction of Buffalo”. By Artist John Reuben Chapin, c 1870, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Wanton Destruction of Buffalo”. By Artist John Re...

“Flight of the Indians After the Massacre”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Flight of the Indians After the Massacre”, Book I...

“Destruction of the Garrison at Wyoming”, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, Battle between American Patriots and Loyalists Accompanied by Iroquois during American Revolutionary War, 1778, Book Illustratio...

“Destruction of the Garrison at Wyoming”, Wyoming ...

“The Famous Scout Buffalo Bill”, William Frederick Cody (1846-1917), by Artist John Reuben Chapin, 1870, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northro...

“The Famous Scout Buffalo Bill”, William Frederick...

“Missionary Preaching to the Sioux”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Missionary Preaching to the Sioux”, Book Illustra...

“Spaniards Enslaving the Indians”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Spaniards Enslaving the Indians”, Book Illustrati...

Daniel Boone (1734-1820), Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Daniel Boone (1734-1820), Book Illustration from “...

“Sioux Warriors on Horseback”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Sioux Warriors on Horseback”, Book Illustration f...

White Bird Canyon, Opening Battle of Nez Perce War, Idaho Territory, 1877, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

White Bird Canyon, Opening Battle of Nez Perce War...

“Ruins of a deserted Aztec Village”, by Artist H. Sebald, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Ruins of a deserted Aztec Village”, by Artist H. ...

“Landing of Columbus”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Landing of Columbus”, Book Illustration from “Ind...

“Capture of the Boone and Galloway Girls”, Kentucky, 14 July 1776, Jemima Boone, Elizabeth Callaway, Frances Gallaway, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Dav...

“Capture of the Boone and Galloway Girls”, Kentuck...

“General Sully’s Scouts on the March”, Dakota Territory, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“General Sully’s Scouts on the March”, Dakota Terr...

“Dance to the Widow of a Warrior”, Tribe Unknown, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Dance to the Widow of a Warrior”, Tribe Unknown, ...

“Indian Life in Their Native Forests”, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

“Indian Life in Their Native Forests”, Book Illust...

Sitting Bull (1831-1890), Hunkpapa Lakota Chief, War-Dress, Book Illustration from “Indian Horrors or Massacres of the Red Men”, by Henry Davenport Northrop, 1891

Sitting Bull (1831-1890), Hunkpapa Lakota Chief, W...

Massacre of the Mamelukes, Photogravure Print from the Original Crayon Drawing by Alexandre Bida, The Masterpieces of French Art by Louis Viardot, Published by Gravure Goupil et Cie, Paris, 1882, Gebb...

Massacre of the Mamelukes, Photogravure Print from...

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