
15 results for: 300-900

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Figure Fragment, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Greenstone; overall: 27.7 x 13.4 x 5.5

Figure Fragment, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 120...

Figurine with Back Rack, 300-900. Mexico, Maya, Jaina style. Molded and modeled pottery with traces

Figurine with Back Rack, 300-900. Mexico, Maya, Ja...

Small Mask Ornament, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Jadeite; overall: 7 x 5 cm (2 3/4 x

Small Mask Ornament, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec,...

Bird Hacha, 300-900. Mexico, Veracruz, El Tajín. Gray volcanic stone with red pigment; overall: 41

Bird Hacha, 300-900. Mexico, Veracruz, El Tajín. G...

Head Hacha, 300-900. Mexico, Veracruz. Gray volcanic stone with red pigment; overall: 19.5 x 17.2 x

Head Hacha, 300-900. Mexico, Veracruz. Gray volcan...

Miniature Mask, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Greenstone; overall: 6.9 x 6.2 cm (2

Miniature Mask, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200...

Crouching Figure, 900-300 BC. Mexico, Guerrero, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Serpentine; overall: 11.6 x 5.3

Crouching Figure, 900-300 BC. Mexico, Guerrero, Ol...

Head Fragment, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Jadeite; overall: 7.4 x 6.2 x 5 cm (2

Head Fragment, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-...

Mask Attachment(?), 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Serpentine; overall: 2.5 x 5.5 cm (1 x

Mask Attachment(?), 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 120...

Standing Figure, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Serpentine; overall: 10.6 x 4.5 x 2.5

Standing Figure, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 120...

Standing Male Figure, 300-900. Mexico, Gulf Coast, 4th-10th Century. Earthenware, asphalt and resin

Standing Male Figure, 300-900. Mexico, Gulf Coast,...

Carved Bowl, 1200-900 BC. Mexico, Central Highlands, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Earthenware; diameter: 13

Carved Bowl, 1200-900 BC. Mexico, Central Highland...

Seated Figure, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Albitite; overall: 11 x 6.2 x 3.9 cm (4

Seated Figure, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-...

Mask Ornament, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Jade; overall: 2.4 x 2.3 cm (15/16 x 7/8

Mask Ornament, c. 900-400 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-...

Elongated Mask Ornament, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Olmec, 1200-300 BC. Greenstone; overall: 13.8 cm (5

Elongated Mask Ornament, c. 900-300 BC. Mexico, Ol...