
34 results for: 305-30 bc

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Statuette of Imhotep, Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Copper alloy, 12.5 × 3.75 × 6

Statuette of Imhotep, Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC)...

Amulet of the Eye of the God Horus (Wedjat), Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Gold, 0

Amulet of the Eye of the God Horus (Wedjat), Ptole...

Relief Plaque Depicting a God, Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Limestone, 29.5 × 25

Relief Plaque Depicting a God, Ptolemaic Period (3...

Statuette of the God Horus, Son of Wedjat, Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Bronze,

Statuette of the God Horus, Son of Wedjat, Ptolema...

Amulet of the Eye of the God Horus (Wedjat), Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BC), Egyptian, Egypt,

Amulet of the Eye of the God Horus (Wedjat), Ptole...

Double-sided Relief Plaque Depicting a Lion and Birds, Ptolemaic Period or earlier (about 305–30

Double-sided Relief Plaque Depicting a Lion and Bi...

Statuette of Neith, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze, solid

Statuette of Neith, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman ...

Statutette of Isis and Horus, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Statutette of Isis and Horus, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Gr...

Deep Bowl, 305 BC-30 BC. Egypt, Early Ptolemaic Dynasty or modern forgery. Bronze; diameter: 13.9

Deep Bowl, 305 BC-30 BC. Egypt, Early Ptolemaic Dy...

Cat Coffin, 664-30 BC. Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BC) to Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC)

Cat Coffin, 664-30 BC. Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty...

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman period, early Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Grec...

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman period, early Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Grec...

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty or later. Limestone; overall: 8.8 x 9 x 3.7

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyn...

Amulet of Taweret, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Light robin's egg blue faience; overall: 5

Amulet of Taweret, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyn...

Small Head of a Man, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Limestone; overall: 4.2 x 3.3 x 4.4 cm (1

Small Head of a Man, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic D...

Shrew, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze, solid cast;

Shrew, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, proba...

Offering Table, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Granodiorite; overall: 34.6 x 35.2 x 7.2 cm

Offering Table, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynast...

Decorated Situla, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze; diameter: 15.5 cm (6 1/8 in.);

Decorated Situla, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyna...

Cat Coffin, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC). Bronze, hollow cast; overall: 51 x 14

Cat Coffin, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty (3...

Tutu as Sphinx, 150 BC-AD 30. Egypt, Late Ptolemaic Dynasty, 305 BC-30 AD. Gray steatite; overall:

Tutu as Sphinx, 150 BC-AD 30. Egypt, Late Ptolemai...

Statuette of Isis and Horus, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Statuette of Isis and Horus, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Gre...

Small Lepidotus Fish, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Probably Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze, hollow cast; overall: 1

Small Lepidotus Fish, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Probably P...

Lepidotus Fish, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze, hollow

Lepidotus Fish, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Peri...

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty (or later). Limestone; overall: 8.8 x 9 x 3

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyn...

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman period, early Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Double-Sided Votive Relief, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Grec...

Ram Amulet, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Light robin's egg blue faience; overall: 2.1 x 1.1

Ram Amulet, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. L...

Amulet of Taweret, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Light robin's egg blue faience; overall: 5

Amulet of Taweret, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyn...

Statuette of Harpocrates, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, probably Ptolemaic Dynasty. Bronze,

Statuette of Harpocrates, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Greco-...

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty or later. Limestone; overall: 8.8 x 9 x 3.7

Mold in Two Parts, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyn...

Amulet of Pataikos, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Pale blue faience; overall: 3.9 x 2 x 1.4

Amulet of Pataikos, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dy...

Amulet of Anubis, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Light robin's egg blue faience; overall: 1.4

Amulet of Anubis, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dyna...

Amulet of Thoth, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Dynasty 30 to Ptolemaic Dynasty. Gray green faience; overall: 3

Amulet of Thoth, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Dynasty 30 to P...

Box (Pyxis) in the Form of a Composite Capital, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Pale

Box (Pyxis) in the Form of a Composite Capital, 30...

Votive Relief of a Ram Deity, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty. Limestone; overall: 13.5 x 20.6

Votive Relief of a Ram Deity, 305-30 BC. Egypt, Pt...