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View of the Fountainhead of the Acqua Felice, from Views of Rome, 1750/59, Giovanni Battista

View of the Fountainhead of the Acqua Felice, from...

The Proscribed Royalist, 1858, William Henry Simmons (English, 1811-1882), after Sir John Everett

The Proscribed Royalist, 1858, William Henry Simmo...

Portrait of Adrienne Le Couvreur, 1730, Pierre-Imbert Drevet (French, 1697-1739), after

Portrait of Adrienne Le Couvreur, 1730, Pierre-Imb...

Berry Pomeroy Castle, plate 58 from Liber Studiorum, published January 1, 1816, Joseph Mallord

Berry Pomeroy Castle, plate 58 from Liber Studioru...

The Jockey Going to the Post, 1899, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French, 1864-1901, France, Color

The Jockey Going to the Post, 1899, Henri de Toulo...

Wooded Landscape with Village Scene, early 1770s  (not later than 1772), Thomas Gainsborough,

Wooded Landscape with Village Scene, early 1770s ...

Civil Rehabilitation and Military Execution, December 1897, Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, French,

Civil Rehabilitation and Military Execution, Decem...

Gerda Grönberg II, 1892, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1920, Sweden, Etching on ivory laid paper, 190

Gerda Grönberg II, 1892, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 186...

Drachm (Coin) Depicting Thessalos Holding a Bull, 435/400 BC, Greek, Lárisa, Silver, Diam. 1.9 cm,

Drachm (Coin) Depicting Thessalos Holding a Bull, ...

The Bengal Levee, published November 9, 1792, James Gillray (English, 1756-1815), published by

The Bengal Levee, published November 9, 1792, Jame...

The Vampire, 1853, Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868), printed by Auguste Delâtre (French,

The Vampire, 1853, Charles Meryon (French, 1821-18...

O Nature!, January 1880, Félicien Rops, Belgian, 1833-1898, Belgium, Etching and drypoint on tan

O Nature!, January 1880, Félicien Rops, Belgian, 1...

The Terrace, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in black on ivory

The Terrace, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Ital...

The Youngest Daughter, January 1894, Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, French, born Switzerland,

The Youngest Daughter, January 1894, Théophile-Ale...

Omnibus, 1892, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1920, Sweden, Etching on ivory laid paper, 266 x 190 mm

Omnibus, 1892, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1920, Sw...

Waterfall at a Stone Bridge, with Castle in the Distance, 1668–71, Sébastien Bourdon, French,

Waterfall at a Stone Bridge, with Castle in the Di...

The Bouquet of Trees, or The Lindens (Souvenir of the Sarthe), 1861, Eugène Blery, French,

The Bouquet of Trees, or The Lindens (Souvenir of ...

Henry Marquand, 1893, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1920, Sweden, Etching on ivory laid paper, 273 x

Henry Marquand, 1893, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1...

On the River Wye, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

On the River Wye, from Old English Masters, 1898, ...

Réveil, 1886, Henri Fantin-Latour, French, 1836-1904, France, Lithograph in black with scraping on

Réveil, 1886, Henri Fantin-Latour, French, 1836-19...

Unfinished Sketch of Seated Man, n.d., Henry Stacy Marks, English, 1829-1898, England, Black

Unfinished Sketch of Seated Man, n.d., Henry Stacy...

View of Corinth, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny, French, 1798-1871, France, Etching on ivory

View of Corinth, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny,...

Arrival of the Comedians, n.d., Jean-Baptiste Oudry, French, 1686-1755, France, Etching on paper,

Arrival of the Comedians, n.d., Jean-Baptiste Oudr...

Rebecca Receiving Gifts from Eliezar, n.d., Pierre-Imbert Drevet (French, 1697-1739), after Antoine

Rebecca Receiving Gifts from Eliezar, n.d., Pierre...

Portrait of Mrs. Davies, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

Portrait of Mrs. Davies, from Old English Masters,...

View of Délos: Cyclades. Port of Délos, Paros and Greater Délos, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny,

View of Délos: Cyclades. Port of Délos, Paros and ...

Solitude, plate 53 from Liber Studiorum, published May 12, 1814, Joseph Mallord William Turner

Solitude, plate 53 from Liber Studiorum, published...

Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto Offering their Crowns to the Arms of Cardinal Borghese, 1640/45, Simone

Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto Offering their Crowns t...

The Notary: A Study for The Marriage Contract, 1761, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, French, 1725-1805,

The Notary: A Study for The Marriage Contract, 176...

Mousehold Heath, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

Mousehold Heath, from Old English Masters, 1899, p...

Rochefort is dying! Rochefort is dead!, June 1898, Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, French, born

Rochefort is dying! Rochefort is dead!, June 1898,...

Landscape with Herd of Pigs, 1845, Charles Émile Jacque, French, 1813-1894, France, Etching on

Landscape with Herd of Pigs, 1845, Charles Émile J...

Jane Avril, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French, 1864-1901), printed by

Jane Avril, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri de T...

Coin Depicting Silphium Plant, 480/435 BC, Greek, Barce, Silver, Diam. 1.4 cm, 3.19 g

Coin Depicting Silphium Plant, 480/435 BC, Greek, ...

The Windmill, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born England,

The Windmill, from Old English Masters, 1899, prin...

Sketch of a Cabinet, n.d., Henry Stacy Marks, English, 1829-1898, England, Black chalk heightened

Sketch of a Cabinet, n.d., Henry Stacy Marks, Engl...

Faust and Mephistopheles in the Harz Mountains, 1828, Eugène Delacroix, French, 1798-1863, France,

Faust and Mephistopheles in the Harz Mountains, 18...

Collège Henry IV (or Lycée Napoléon), Paris, 1863–64, Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868), printed

Collège Henry IV (or Lycée Napoléon), Paris, 1863–...

Imaginary View of S. Giacomo di Rialto, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy,

Imaginary View of S. Giacomo di Rialto, from Vedut...

Duchess of Devonshire and child, from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole

Duchess of Devonshire and child, from Old English ...

The Halt, from Old English Masters, 1900, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born England,

The Halt, from Old English Masters, 1900, printed ...

True Reform of Parliament, published June 14, 1809, James Gillray (English, 1756-1815), published

True Reform of Parliament, published June 14, 1809...

At the Concert, 1896, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French, 1864-1901, France, Color zincograph on

At the Concert, 1896, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, F...

View of One of the Springs of Mount Pentéli, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny, French, 1798-1871,

View of One of the Springs of Mount Pentéli, 1845,...

Al Dolo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in black on ivory laid

Al Dolo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian,...

The Market at Dolo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in black on

The Market at Dolo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canalett...

Lady Cockburn and family, from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

Lady Cockburn and family, from Old English Masters...

Portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902, Timothy Cole

Portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft, from Old English ...

The Judgment of Paris, c. 1520, Printed by Antonio Salamanca (Italian, 1478-1562), by or after

The Judgment of Paris, c. 1520, Printed by Antonio...

Patriotic Regeneration, -viz., Parliament Reform’d, a la Françoise…, published March 2, 1795, James

Patriotic Regeneration, -viz., Parliament Reform’d...

The Acropolis of Athens, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny, French, 1798-1871, France, Etching on

The Acropolis of Athens, 1845, Théodore Caruelle d...

The Tower of Malghera, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in black

The Tower of Malghera, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canal...

The Watering Place, from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

The Watering Place, from Old English Masters, 1897...

Portrait of a Lady, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

Portrait of a Lady, from Old English Masters, 1899...

Tea Drinking, published September 1, 1794, Henry William Bunbury, English, 1750-1811, England,

Tea Drinking, published September 1, 1794, Henry W...

Madame Abdala, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French, 1864-1901), printed

Madame Abdala, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri d...

View from the Banks of the Illisós: Mountains of the Argolid, Temple of Olympic Jupiter, the

View from the Banks of the Illisós: Mountains of t...

Mestre, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in black on ivory laid

Mestre, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, ...

The Market on the Molo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Canaletto, Italian, 1697-1768, Italy, Etching in

The Market on the Molo, from Vedute, 1735/44, Cana...

Cicero’s villa, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born England,

Cicero’s villa, from Old English Masters, 1898, pr...

Mrs. R. Scott Moncrieff, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

Mrs. R. Scott Moncrieff, from Old English Masters,...

Rape of Lucretia, 1795, Giuseppe Cades, Italian, 1750-1799, Italy, Pen and black ink with brush and

Rape of Lucretia, 1795, Giuseppe Cades, Italian, 1...

Three Images from Millin’s Atlas, plate XII, 1807–1808, Louis Aubin Millin, French, 19th century,

Three Images from Millin’s Atlas, plate XII, 1807–...

Gentleman Rider, 1866/70, Edgar Degas, French, 1834-1917, France, Graphite, with traces of brush

Gentleman Rider, 1866/70, Edgar Degas, French, 183...

Landscape with a Dead Man and Two Priests, 1668–71, Sébastien Bourdon, French, 1616-1671, France,

Landscape with a Dead Man and Two Priests, 1668–71...

The Honorable Mrs. Graham, from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

The Honorable Mrs. Graham, from Old English Master...

Countess of Oxford, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

Countess of Oxford, from Old English Masters, 1898...

Joseph in Egypt, 1668–71, Sébastien Bourdon, French, 1616-1671, France, Etching on ivory laid

Joseph in Egypt, 1668–71, Sébastien Bourdon, Frenc...

Marriage à la mode (detail), from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

Marriage à la mode (detail), from Old English Mast...

Right Honorable William Pitt, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

Right Honorable William Pitt, from Old English Mas...

Academic Nude, Seen from the Back, 1862, Paul Cézanne, French, 1839–1906, France, Charcoal and

Academic Nude, Seen from the Back, 1862, Paul Céza...

Barracks, Dublin, published July 1795, James Malton, English, 1761-1803, England, Hand-colored

Barracks, Dublin, published July 1795, James Malto...

Paul Verlaine II, 1895, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860-1920, Sweden, Etching on ivory laid paper, 237 x

Paul Verlaine II, 1895, Anders Zorn, Swedish, 1860...

The Shrimp Girl, from Old English Masters, 1896, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

The Shrimp Girl, from Old English Masters, 1896, p...

The Parson’s Daughter, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born

The Parson’s Daughter, from Old English Masters, 1...

Fishing Boats Off Yarmouth, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

Fishing Boats Off Yarmouth, from Old English Maste...

Kam-Hill, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri-Gabriel Ibels (French, 1867-1936), printed by Edward

Kam-Hill, from Le Café-Concert, 1893, Henri-Gabrie...

Little Devil’s Bridge, plate 19 from Liber Studiorum, published March 29, 1809, Joseph Mallord

Little Devil’s Bridge, plate 19 from Liber Studior...

Landscape with Three Brigands and Their Victim, 1668–71, Sébastien Bourdon, French, 1616-1671,

Landscape with Three Brigands and Their Victim, 16...

Adoration of the Magi, 1559, Lambert van Noort, Netherlandish, 1520-1571, Netherlands, Pen and

Adoration of the Magi, 1559, Lambert van Noort, Ne...

An Old Maid on a Journey, published November 20, 1804, James Gillray (English, 1756-1815), after

An Old Maid on a Journey, published November 20, 1...

Portrait of Lord Heathfield, from Old English Masters, 1897, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American,

Portrait of Lord Heathfield, from Old English Mast...

Lady Derby, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902, Timothy Cole (American, born England,

Lady Derby, from Old English Masters, 1898, printe...

The Lamp, 1890–91, Mary Cassatt (American, 1844-1926), printed with Leroy (French, active

The Lamp, 1890–91, Mary Cassatt (American, 1844-19...

Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen, Dish with image of the head office of the Dutch East India Company (Oost-Indisch Huis)

Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen, Dish with image of t...

Miniature Votive Stupa, 435. China, Gansu province, Northern Wei dynasty (386-534). Steatite;

Miniature Votive Stupa, 435. China, Gansu province...