
7442 results for: ceramics

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Maya, Precolumbian, Two Part Deity Vessel, between 300 and 600, ceramic with red slip, Overall: 10

Maya, Precolumbian, Two Part Deity Vessel, between...

Mold-Made Female Figurine Wrapped in Cloth and Tied with String, c. A.D. 100/600, Possibly Moche,

Mold-Made Female Figurine Wrapped in Cloth and Tie...

Miniature Tray with Geometric Pattern, A.D. 1450/1532, Inca, South coast or southern highlands,

Miniature Tray with Geometric Pattern, A.D. 1450/1...

Seated Female Figure, 800/400 B.C., Olmec, Gulf Coast, Mexico, México, Ceramic and pigment with

Seated Female Figure, 800/400 B.C., Olmec, Gulf Co...

Water-Lily Vessel, A.D. 750/800, Ah Maxam (active mid-/late eighth century), Late Classic Maya,

Water-Lily Vessel, A.D. 750/800, Ah Maxam (active ...

Vessel in the Form of a Squash with Parrot Supports, A.D. 1/200, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima,

Vessel in the Form of a Squash with Parrot Support...

Fluted Vessel, Possibly in the Form of a Gourd, c. A.D. 200, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima state,

Fluted Vessel, Possibly in the Form of a Gourd, c....

Vessel with Figure Seated Inside a Structure, c. 800 B.C., Chavín, North coast, Peru, North Coast,

Vessel with Figure Seated Inside a Structure, c. 8...

Ritual Impersonator of the Deity Xipe Totec, 1450/1500, Aztec (Mexica), Possibly central Veracruz,

Ritual Impersonator of the Deity Xipe Totec, 1450/...

Plate, c.1500/50, Italy, Umbria, Gubbio, Majolica, ceramic, with "golden" lustre glaze, overall

Plate, c.1500/50, Italy, Umbria, Gubbio, Majolica,...

Amulet of the Goddess Tawaret (Toeris), Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21–25 (1070–656 BC),

Amulet of the Goddess Tawaret (Toeris), Third Inte...

Miniature Tray Depicting a Frog, A.D. 1450/1532, Inca, South coast or southern highlands, Peru,

Miniature Tray Depicting a Frog, A.D. 1450/1532, I...

Inlay (?) in form of a Cartouche, New Kingdom or later,  Dynasties 19– (1295 BC–?), Egyptian,

Inlay (?) in form of a Cartouche, New Kingdom or l...

Standing Warrior Figure with Removable Mask and Headdress, A.D. 700/1000, Classic period Veracruz,

Standing Warrior Figure with Removable Mask and He...

Tripod Vessel, A.D. 900/1100, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan, Mexico, México, Ceramic and pigment, 10.8 x

Tripod Vessel, A.D. 900/1100, Teotihuacan, Teotihu...

Drum-Shaped Vessels with Textile Motif, A.D. 1450/1532, Inca, South coast or southern highlands,

Drum-Shaped Vessels with Textile Motif, A.D. 1450/...

Pedestal Bowl Depicting Bicephalic Footed Serpent with Headcrest, A.D. 700/1100, Coclé, Possibly

Pedestal Bowl Depicting Bicephalic Footed Serpent ...

Bowl with Three-part Antelope Design, 950/1150, Mimbres branch of the Mogollon, Classic Mimbres

Bowl with Three-part Antelope Design, 950/1150, Mi...

Covered Vessel with the Principal Bird and Peccary Heads, A.D. 200/300, Early Classic Maya, Petén

Covered Vessel with the Principal Bird and Peccary...

Tripod Vessel Depicting Monkey Hunters and Traders, A.D. 850/950, Classic Maya, Ulúa River Valley,

Tripod Vessel Depicting Monkey Hunters and Traders...

Plate with an Image of a Moth, A.D. 900/1200, Huaxtec, Isla de Sacrificios, Veracruz, Mexico,

Plate with an Image of a Moth, A.D. 900/1200, Huax...

Pair of Tripods with Knotted Motif, A.D. 850/950, Classic Maya, Ulúa River Valley, Honduras or

Pair of Tripods with Knotted Motif, A.D. 850/950, ...

Miniature Straight-sided Bowl with Abstract Aligator Motif, A.D. 1450/1532, Inca, South coast or

Miniature Straight-sided Bowl with Abstract Aligat...

Standing Female Figure, 1200/600 B.C., Tlatilco, Preclassic period, Tlapacoya, Valley of Mexico,

Standing Female Figure, 1200/600 B.C., Tlatilco, P...

Hudibras and the Lawyer, plate twelve from Hudibras, February 1725/26, William Hogarth, English,

Hudibras and the Lawyer, plate twelve from Hudibra...

Storyteller Figure, A.D. 100/800, Jalisco, Ameca Valley, Jalisco, Mexico, Jalisco state, Ceramic

Storyteller Figure, A.D. 100/800, Jalisco, Ameca V...

Spouted Dish with King Vulture Heads, 800/400 B.C., Olmec, Southern Veracruz or Tabasco, Mexico,

Spouted Dish with King Vulture Heads, 800/400 B.C....

Miniature Bowl with Shaped Base and Geometric Motifs, A.D. 1450/1532, Inca, South coast or southern

Miniature Bowl with Shaped Base and Geometric Moti...

Small Double Spout Bowl with Repeated Curving Motif, c. A.D. 500/700, Possibly Lima or Maranga,

Small Double Spout Bowl with Repeated Curving Moti...

Model of a Tree-Climbing Ritual, A.D. 100/800, Nayarit, Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, Mexico, Nayarit

Model of a Tree-Climbing Ritual, A.D. 100/800, Nay...

Shoulder Cauldron with Diagonal Basketry Pattern, A.D. 950/1150, Hohokam, Sacaton Red-on-buff,

Shoulder Cauldron with Diagonal Basketry Pattern, ...

Polychrome Jar with Rainbow, Macaw, and Floral Motifs, 1880s, Acoma, Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico,

Polychrome Jar with Rainbow, Macaw, and Floral Mot...

Pilgrim Bottle, New Kingdom–Third Intermediate Period, Mid–Dynasty 18–21 (about 1352–945 BC),

Pilgrim Bottle, New Kingdom–Third Intermediate Per...

Figure of a Seated Dog, A.D. 1/300, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima state, Ceramic and pigment, 40 ×

Figure of a Seated Dog, A.D. 1/300, Colima, Colima...

Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, Tlatilco, Ceramic and

Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco,...

Jar with Painted Decoration, Predynastic Period, Naqada II (about 3500–3200 BC), Egyptian, Egypt,

Jar with Painted Decoration, Predynastic Period, N...

Figure of a Standing Warrior, A.D. 650/800, Late Classic Maya, Jaina, Campeche or Yucatán, Mexico,

Figure of a Standing Warrior, A.D. 650/800, Late C...

Figure of an Aristocratic Lady, A.D. 650/800, Late Classic Maya, Jaina, Campeche or Yucatán,

Figure of an Aristocratic Lady, A.D. 650/800, Late...

Miniature Cup with Handle and Side Spout, A.D. 500/800, Nievería, Central coast, Peru, Nievería,

Miniature Cup with Handle and Side Spout, A.D. 500...

Standing Female Figure, A.D. 100/300, Nayarit, Nayarit, Mexico, Mexico, Ceramic and pigment, H. 62

Standing Female Figure, A.D. 100/300, Nayarit, Nay...

Masked Figurine Holding a Drum, Possibly a Ocarina (Whistle), c. A.D. 1300, Tairona, Sierra Nevada

Masked Figurine Holding a Drum, Possibly a Ocarina...

Shabti of Ankhefenkhonsu, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (about 1069–945 BC), Egyptian,

Shabti of Ankhefenkhonsu, Third Intermediate Perio...

Amphora, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550–1295 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Ceramic, pigment, 36.2 × 21

Amphora, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550–1295 ...

Polychrome Standing Figure with Exaggerated Head and Hips, A.D. 1/300, Nayarit, Chinesco style,

Polychrome Standing Figure with Exaggerated Head a...

Double-Faced Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, Tlatilco,

Double-Faced Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatil...

Amulet of the Goddesses Isis and Nephthys with Horus Standing Between, Third Intermediate Period,

Amulet of the Goddesses Isis and Nephthys with Hor...

Mold-Made Female Figurine, c. A.D. 100/600, Possibly Moche, Possibly north coast, Peru, Peru,

Mold-Made Female Figurine, c. A.D. 100/600, Possib...

Open Bowl in the Form of a Jaguar, A.D. 600/900, Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua (Cocibolca),

Open Bowl in the Form of a Jaguar, A.D. 600/900, O...

Vessel, New Kingdom (?), Dynasty 18–20 (about 1550 BC–1069 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Ceramic, 14 × 8.9

Vessel, New Kingdom (?), Dynasty 18–20 (about 1550...

Standing, Smiling Figure with Hands Raised, A.D. 600/900, Remojadas, Veracruz, south-central Gulf

Standing, Smiling Figure with Hands Raised, A.D. 6...

Bowl Depicting a Ritual Figure and Flaming Torches, A.D. 300/600, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan, Mexico,

Bowl Depicting a Ritual Figure and Flaming Torches...

Double-Chambered Vessel, A.D. 100/700, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan, Mexico, México, Ceramic, H. 7.3 cm

Double-Chambered Vessel, A.D. 100/700, Teotihuacan...

Mold-Made Female Figurine, c. A.D. 100/600, Possibly Moche, Possibly north coast, Peru, Peru,

Mold-Made Female Figurine, c. A.D. 100/600, Possib...

Bowl with Black Interlocking Lattice on Interior, and White Interlocking Squared Spirals on

Bowl with Black Interlocking Lattice on Interior, ...

Ring: Udjat Eye, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1350 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Glazed ceramic, 1.9 × 1

Ring: Udjat Eye, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 13...

Vessel of the Dancing Lords, A.D. 750/800, Ah Maxam (active mid-/late 8th century), Late Classic

Vessel of the Dancing Lords, A.D. 750/800, Ah Maxa...

Black-and-White Storage Jar with Abstract Geometric Motifs, 1890s, Acoma, Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico,

Black-and-White Storage Jar with Abstract Geometri...

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada I–II (about 4000–3200 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Ceramic, H. 13.3 cm

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada I–II (about 400...

Seated Male Figure with One Arm Raised, A.D. 100/900, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima state, Ceramic

Seated Male Figure with One Arm Raised, A.D. 100/9...

Model Depicting a Ritual Center, A.D. 100/800, Nayarit, Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, Mexico, Nayarit

Model Depicting a Ritual Center, A.D. 100/800, Nay...

Female Figure, 500/200 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, México, Ceramic and

Female Figure, 500/200 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuat...

Roller Seal, 800/400 B.C., Olmec, Veracruz or Tabasco, Gulf Coast, Mexico, México, Ceramic and

Roller Seal, 800/400 B.C., Olmec, Veracruz or Taba...

Bowl with Abstract, Geometric Rendering of Blanket on Interior, 1400/1600, Hopi, Jeddito

Bowl with Abstract, Geometric Rendering of Blanket...

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, Guanajuato state,

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanaju...

Seated Hunchbacked Dwarf, A.D. 300/400, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Western Mexico, Ceramic and

Seated Hunchbacked Dwarf, A.D. 300/400, Colima, Co...

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada II (about 3800–3300 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Ceramic, 14 × 9.5 × 9

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada II (about 3800–...

Ceramic Architectural Decoration, 13th century, Iran, Rayy, Fritware, with carved and molded

Ceramic Architectural Decoration, 13th century, Ir...

Miniature Bowl with Interior Bird-Wing Motif, A.D. 1250/1400, Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi), Gila

Miniature Bowl with Interior Bird-Wing Motif, A.D....

Female Figure, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, Valley of Mexico,

Female Figure, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco, V...

Tripod Vessel with a Blowgunner Scene, A.D. 300/500, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan, Mexico, México,

Tripod Vessel with a Blowgunner Scene, A.D. 300/50...

Female Figure, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, México, Ceramic and

Female Figure, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuat...

Footed Jar Incised with Pseudo-Gylphs, A.D. 250/600, Maya, Mexico or Guatemala, México, Ceramic and

Footed Jar Incised with Pseudo-Gylphs, A.D. 250/60...

Flower-Shaped Ear Ornaments, 1400/1500, Aztec (Mexica), Tenochtitlan, Mexico, Mexico, Ceramic and

Flower-Shaped Ear Ornaments, 1400/1500, Aztec (Mex...

Standing Male Figure, A.D. 650/800, Late Classic Maya, Jaina, Campeche or Yucatán, Mexico,

Standing Male Figure, A.D. 650/800, Late Classic M...

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, Guanajuato state,

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanaju...

Standing Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, Chupícuaro,

Standing Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro...

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico, Guanajuato state,

Female Figurine, 500/300 B.C., Chupícuaro, Guanaju...

Polychrome Bowl with Geometric Star Motif on Interior and Interloking Scroll on Exterio, A.D.

Polychrome Bowl with Geometric Star Motif on Inter...

Polychrome Bowl with Geometric Designs and Face in Relief on Shoulder, c. 400 B.C., Chupícuaro,

Polychrome Bowl with Geometric Designs and Face in...

Female Figure, c. 400 B.C., Tlatilco, Preclassic period, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, México, Ceramic

Female Figure, c. 400 B.C., Tlatilco, Preclassic p...

Head of a Female, c. 600 B.C., Preclassic period, Mexico or Guatemala, México, Ceramic and pigment

Head of a Female, c. 600 B.C., Preclassic period, ...

Figure of a Seated Official, c. A.D. 400, Moche, North coast, Peru, Peru, Ceramic, Approx. h. 12.7

Figure of a Seated Official, c. A.D. 400, Moche, N...

Rattle in the Form of a Mythological Figure, A.D. 650/800, Late Classic Maya, Jaina, Campeche or

Rattle in the Form of a Mythological Figure, A.D. ...

Statuette of the Goddess Maat, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 or earlier (1623–1293 BC), Egyptian, Egypt,

Statuette of the Goddess Maat, New Kingdom, Dynast...

Bowl with Radiating Striped Bands and Triangles and Interlocking Zigzag on Exterior, A.D.

Bowl with Radiating Striped Bands and Triangles an...

Long-Stem Pipe, c. A.D. 200, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima state, Ceramic and pigment, L. 58.4 cm

Long-Stem Pipe, c. A.D. 200, Colima, Colima, Mexic...

Seated Female Figure, c. A.D. 200, Jalisco, Ameca style, Ameca Valley, Jalisco, Mexico, Jalisco

Seated Female Figure, c. A.D. 200, Jalisco, Ameca ...

Standing Figure, c. A.D. 400, Puebla, Mexico, Puebla, Ceramic and pigment, H. 20 cm (7 7/8 in.)

Standing Figure, c. A.D. 400, Puebla, Mexico, Pueb...

Bowl with Bold, Irregular Geometric Bands of Stripes, Zigzag, and Checkerboard Motifs, A.D.

Bowl with Bold, Irregular Geometric Bands of Strip...

Bowl with Geometric Black-and-White Motifs on Interior and Exterior Survace, A.D. 1300/1400,

Bowl with Geometric Black-and-White Motifs on Inte...

Vessel, A.D. 600/800, Late Classic Maya, Mexico or Guatemala, México, Ceramic and pigment, 13 x 16

Vessel, A.D. 600/800, Late Classic Maya, Mexico or...

Miniature Rattle in the Form of a Figure Wearing Headdress and Mask, c. A.D. 200, Possibly Guacimo,

Miniature Rattle in the Form of a Figure Wearing H...

Stirrup Vessel with Textured Surface, c. 800 B.C., Chavín, North coast, Peru, North Coast, Ceramic

Stirrup Vessel with Textured Surface, c. 800 B.C.,...

Great tit and cherry blossoms, c. 1847/52, Utagawa Hiroshige ?? ??, Japanese, 1797-1858, Japan,

Great tit and cherry blossoms, c. 1847/52, Utagawa...

Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, Tlatilco, Ceramic and

Female Figurine, 500/400 B.C., Tlatilco, Tlatilco,...

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada II Period (about 3500–3200 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Ceramic, 8.8 ×

Vessel, Predynastic Period, Naqada II Period (abou...

Seated Figurine, c. 500 B.C., Tlatilco, Preclassic period, Tlapacoya, Valley of Mexico, Mexico,

Seated Figurine, c. 500 B.C., Tlatilco, Preclassic...

Bowl with Mirror Pattern of Birds Framed by Geometric Motifs, A.D. 950/1150, Mimbres branch of the

Bowl with Mirror Pattern of Birds Framed by Geomet...

Standing Female Figure, c. A.D. 200, Nayarit, Nayarit, Mexico, Nayarit state, Ceramic and pigment,

Standing Female Figure, c. A.D. 200, Nayarit, Naya...

Seated Female Figure Giving Birth, c. A.D. 200, Colima, Colima, Mexico, Colima state, Ceramic and

Seated Female Figure Giving Birth, c. A.D. 200, Co...

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