
5 results for: ear rod

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Ear Stud or Bead, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18–19 (about 1350–1186 BC), Egyptian, Egypt, Glass,

Ear Stud or Bead, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18–19 (ab...

Small pewter measuring cup with ear and spout, measuring cup measuring instrument soil find tin metal, foot, cast Small tin

Small pewter measuring cup with ear and spout, mea...

Cup with wide ear and hinging lid, crucible cup drinking utensils tableware holder tin, cast Cylindrical cup with stand ring

Cup with wide ear and hinging lid, crucible cup dr...

Tinsmith: Jan Willemsz, Frizzy with hyperbolic body, curved hinged lid and question mark-shaped ear, pot mug cup drinking

Tinsmith: Jan Willemsz, Frizzy with hyperbolic bod...

Ear Rod, c. 700-900. Panama, Conte style, 5th - 10th century. Hammered gold, with greenstone;

Ear Rod, c. 700-900. Panama, Conte style, 5th - 10...