
6 results for: ernst casimir

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Portrait of Ernst Casimir I, Count of Nassau-Dietz, workshop of Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, c.

Portrait of Ernst Casimir I, Count of Nassau-Dietz...

Portrait of Amalia, Countess of Solms, Consort of Prince Frederick Henry, Sophia Hedwig, Duchess of

Portrait of Amalia, Countess of Solms, Consort of ...

Allegory installation of Ernst Casimir, Count of Nassau, stadtholder of Friesland, August 5 1620,

Allegory installation of Ernst Casimir, Count of N...

Portrait of Ernst Casimir, Count of Nassau-Dietz, Willem Jacobsz. Delff, Michiel Jansz van

Portrait of Ernst Casimir, Count of Nassau-Dietz, ...

Equestrian procession of the six princes of the House of Orange-Nassau, Willem Jacobsz. Delff, Jan

Equestrian procession of the six princes of the Ho...

Allegory Frederick Henry after the conquest of Den Bosch, Wesel and Grol, 1629-1630, Crispijn van

Allegory Frederick Henry after the conquest of Den...