
5 results for: faceted blade

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Pencil knife with glass multi-faceted glass handle and short narrow blade, penknife knife cutting tool glass silver tin metal w

Pencil knife with glass multi-faceted glass handle...

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and metal baffle with paratroopers in sawed-out flower with leaves and long thin double-edged

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and metal baffle wi...

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and metal baffle, the relief of which runs through the lower edge of the handle with guide bars

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and metal baffle, t...

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and small metal baffle plate and round iron hilt plate and long thin double-edged blade, kidney

Kidney dagger with wooden hilt and small metal baf...

Court Sword, c. 1790. England, London or Birmingham, late 18th Century. Steel; silver hilt,

Court Sword, c. 1790. England, London or Birmingha...