
15 results for: herringbone stitches

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Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete, Crete, Linen, plain weave, embroidered with silk

Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete,...

Sampler, 19th century, Germany, Wool, plain weave, embroidered with silk yarns in Algerian eye,

Sampler, 19th century, Germany, Wool, plain weave,...

Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete, Crete, Cotton, plain weave, embroidered with

Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete,...

Pair of Cuffs, 19th century, Europe, Europe, Linen, two layers of plain weave, cut and drawn work

Pair of Cuffs, 19th century, Europe, Europe, Linen...

Pillow Sham, c.1720, England, Cotton, plain weave, underlaid with linen, plain weave, embroidered

Pillow Sham, c.1720, England, Cotton, plain weave,...

Bedcover (Basket of Flowers Quilt), c.  1860, Made for the Bridges Family, United States, Kentucky,

Bedcover (Basket of Flowers Quilt), c. 1860, Made...

Cushion Cover, 18th century, Greece, Epirus Province or Ionian Island, Greece, Linen, plain weave,

Cushion Cover, 18th century, Greece, Epirus Provin...

Pillow Sham, c.1720, England, Cotton, plain weave, underlaid with linen, plain weave, embroidered

Pillow Sham, c.1720, England, Cotton, plain weave,...

Tunic (Jibbeh), 1885/99, Mahdiyya State, Sudan, Sudan, Layers of cotton, plain weave, pieced and

Tunic (Jibbeh), 1885/99, Mahdiyya State, Sudan, Su...

Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete, Crete, Linen, plain weave, embroidered with silk

Border (For a Skirt), 18th century, Greece, Crete,...

Bedcover Entitled Genealogy, 1896, Designed and Executed by Catharine L. Clark, American, active c.

Bedcover Entitled Genealogy, 1896, Designed and Ex...

Picture (Needlepoint), 1616, Switzerland, Linen, plain weave, embroidered with silk floss, linen

Picture (Needlepoint), 1616, Switzerland, Linen, p...

Bickers Island, c. 1655, Reinier Zeeman (Reinier Nooms), Dutch, c. 1623-c. 1664, Holland, Etching

Bickers Island, c. 1655, Reinier Zeeman (Reinier N...

Stopper with nine stoppers worked in colored silk and white linen on finely woven linen, marked IV DV SW 1757, stoppage

Stopper with nine stoppers worked in colored silk ...

Embroidered cushion cover, 1700s. Turkey. Plain weave: linen; embroidery, self-couching and

Embroidered cushion cover, 1700s. Turkey. Plain we...