
9 results for: inscription met

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's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

Medal on the reconciliation of the southern Dutch cities with Parma and the reintroduction of the Roman Catholic religion, jeton

Medal on the reconciliation of the southern Dutch ...

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility medal penny exchange copper, epee above which in Hebrew Jehovah stands radiated

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility meda...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, scattering penning footage silver

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility medal penny exchange copper, epee above which in Hebrew Jehovah stands radiated

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility meda...

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility medal penny exchange copper, the sword above which in Hebrew Jehovah stands

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility meda...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

Medal on the downfall of the invincible fleet, jeton utility medal medal exchange copper, battle between two ships

Medal on the downfall of the invincible fleet, jet...

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility medal penny exchange copper, the sword above which in Hebrew Jehovah stands

Medal on the help of Leycester, jeton utility meda...