
6 results for: non telis primis belgi septemplicis armis

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Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, penny footage copper, Dutch lion with arrows and scale; date, 1671 legend: NON

Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, pe...

Medal on the peace negotiations with the Spaniards, jeton utility medal medal exchange copper, Dutch lion with arrows and scale

Medal on the peace negotiations with the Spaniards...

Medal on the aid of the Republic to Denmark against Sweden, jeton utility medal medal exchange copper, crowned Dutch lion

Medal on the aid of the Republic to Denmark agains...

Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, penning image copper, Dutch lion with arrows and scale; date, 1671 legend: NON

Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, pe...

Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, penny footage copper, Dutch lion with arrows and scale; date, 1671 legend: NON

Medal on the expected peace in the Netherlands, pe...

Medal on the covenant between the Republic, France and England, jeton utility medal medal exchange copper, crowned Dutch lion

Medal on the covenant between the Republic, France...